At A Glance:

Click on each card to learn more about the project!

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iGEM Toronto

Modelling metabolic networks and writing algorithms to genetically engineer bacteria. Work to be presented in November 2023, Paris.
Project Wiki
Mount Sinai Cath Lab

Mount Sinai Hospital Cath Lab

Creating algorithms to remotely and autonomously analyze cardiac signals of heart failure patients.
In Media | In Media
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AfimaCheck @ YorkU

Automated data acquisition for saliva-based Cannabis detection system using thermal cameras.
Lab Website
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Developed wearable American Sign Language translator, won $16500 in funding.
Toronto Star | National Observer | York Region News

Women in Science and Engineering UofT

Planning 2-day annual conference for 500+ attendees. Includes, career fair, grad fair, competitors and keynotes.
Team Website
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Robotics for Space Exploration

Built simulations of Lidar, GPS and IMU sensors in Gazebo using ROS.

What I’m up to…

  • Research Assistant @ Mount Sinai Cath Lab

Developed algorithm using Python and NumPy to autonomously extract patient physiological parameters from Ballistocardiograph cardiac signal, enabling advanced monitoring of heart failure patients. Refactored and modularized analysis pipeline to seamlessly transition between various clinical trial data. Validated algorithm against electrocardiograph signals, achieving 93% accuracy and high agreement. Won Best Abstract in Translational Research (Transform HF Showcase, $250 prize), Best Presentation (UNERD Conference), First Place (with lab, Transform HF Ideathon, $12750 prize).

  • Software Developer @ iGEM Toronto

Modelling, writing algorithms, graphing and pipetting. I help genetically engineer bacteria by simulatings models to predict how they will behave with different genetic circuits. By building digital metabolic networks of the bacteria’s key mechanisms, I predict what genetic changes - knock-outs, additions, over-expression - will result in improved efficiency. This year, we are modifying bacteria to imrpove their ability to consume methane, a potent greenhouse gas. On top of my software work, I pick up lab work when I can. I am also part of the entrepreneurship team, where I help with business development and go-to-market strategy for our project. Interested in a more in-depth explanation of the biology involved? Check out our wiki and my work!

  • Panels Director @ Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) UofT

…and what I’ve done

  • Research Assistant @ Hybrid Biomedical Optics Lab

Worked on AfimaCheck, a saliva-based Cannabis detection system using thermal cameras. Automated data acquisition from thermal camera to detect the presence of target chemicals using C++. Processed raw frame data and performed image analysis using NumPy and MATLAB.

  • ConchShell

Co-founded a start-up to build a wearable bracelet translating American Sign Language to spoken voice. Developed a machine learning pipeline to recognize ASL in a real-time video feed using PyTorch. Built an end-to-end prototype using a Raspberry Pi and Google’s text to voice API. Conducted extensive market research, developed product strategy, won $16500 in seed funding. Canada-Wide Science Fair 2021: Silver Medal, UofT Engineering Award, Engineering & Innovation Award Winner of the Ryerson DMZ Basecamp program 2020, awarded $5000 grant as funding. Winner of the Social Impact Challenge 2021 (300+ competitors), awarded $10000.

  • Software Developer @ Robotics for Space Exploration